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This blog is something that I have started on a whim.  It is not something that I ever imagined myself doing or have ever had a drive to do before, so please bear with me. 


If you have any comments on the content that I am posting, would like to offer any suggestions or advice, or want to correct any mistakes that I might have made, please do feel free to get in touch.


I'm just a hobbyist and therefore the cost of doing this is something that I am going to have to consider going forward.  If you would like to support me in any way, that would be great.  However there is no pressure to do so and I will continue to produce free content available to everyone. 


Equally if there is anyone out there that would like to donate anything that could make the next project on the blog, or products for me to review or feature I would be very greatful.


Thanks for submitting!

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I’m Andrew, I stream Amiga games on real hardware and using a CRT as my main monitor (I have a second webcam so you can see my set-up).


Although I had an Amiga back in the day, I was just a kid, so there are loads of games that I never played and I'm now getting to enjoy them for the first time.


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